


1. 8 More Python Best Practices for Writing Industry-Standard Code

A few Python best practices I learnt after entering the software industry

[理解] 原文链接:8 More Python Best Practices for Writing Industry-Standard Code by
Madhushan Buwaneswaran

主要介绍了8种Python的业界写法,可以学习一下,这种写法又被作者称为**“Industry standard code”**。这与平常只给一个人看的code不同,这种code是基于团队合作,基于team的,所以以下三点很重要:readable、reusable和modifiable

1. Always use constants instead of a specific number

有时候我们可能会涉及一些常量,对于这些常量,我们尽可能去定义成为一个常量,而不是一个单纯的数字,例如以下是一个bad practice

weight = 9.8 * mass

上面这条python语句,毫无疑问没有任何的问题,但是如果给别人看到的话,如果那个人没有任何的domain knowledge,他将不会知道这是什么意思,我们更准确更好的应该将其定义为一个常量,方便其他人阅读。以下是一个正确的例子:



2. Use verbs as function and method names

对于一个函数而言,尽可能去用一个动词verb,而不是一个名词noun,因为很可能你需要用一个名词变量,但如果这个时候你有一个名词的函数,那不是重复了吗?,下面是一个bad practice

def prime_factors(input_number):
	# some codes
# but if you define like this, you cannot define a variable named "prime_factors"

所以我们最好的方式是,永远去define一些函数<do>_<something>,例如,对于算质数而言,下面是很好的good practice

def calculate_prime_factors(input_number):
	# some codes

3. Define members as private or protected as per the access scope requirements


_var_name = 'value'  # '_' means protected
__var_name = 'value' # '__' means private

4. Don't do import *

这看似一个很方便的行为,其实是很愚蠢的行为,这会导致两个很重要的问题:可读性变差、覆盖定义。当你直接import所有的entities的时候,你文中出现的entities将不知道是由哪一个package导入的,这会大大降低code的可读性,其次就是有的package甚至会有相同的entities,甚至与你下文中定义的entities一致,这时候会被下文的entities覆盖掉。最好的方法就是直接用什么,便导入什么,如下便是一个good practice:

import package
import package.module as short_name
from package.module import SampleClass

# Accessing the imports
instance_1 = package.module.SampleClass()
instance_2 = short_name.SampleClass()
instance_3 = SampleClass()

5. Use code formatters (or linters)

如果我说这个世界上存在Code Formatter也应该不奇怪吧? 如文中所说,BlackPylint 分别是一种formatter和linters,可以很好的控制code的格式,使你的code更加readable,modifiable,reusable。

6. Write unit tests

单元测试,是很重要的东西,虽然他很无聊+time consuming。但是毫无疑问,他很重要!Python 的built-in library unittest 是一个很好的用于单元测试的package。

7. Log the errors

毫无疑问,每个人的code都不可能是bug free的。在你经过linting/formatting、unit testing和manual testing之后。可能在生产过程中,仍旧会偶尔的fail。这是很常见的事情,这个时候你需要log你的code,例如最常用的package logging。除此之外,warning、info、debug都是一些很好用的package。

    # some code that might possibly trigger an error
catch SomeError:
    logging.error("log context of the error here")

8. Generate requirements.txt file with versions

很正常而言,很多package都会一直在更新,例如tensorflow就是,然而每次大更新都会导致很多的情况不同,例如tf2.0和tf1.0 就完全不一样,tf2.0把keras包含进来了,然后tf1.0就没有。这个就要求我们对于每个project,我们需要明确他们当前的environments是什么,否则的话当我们未来重新recreate这个environment的时候,他早就不是我们当年的那个environment了,很有可能会出现一系列的bug。所以我们对此,对每一个environment,我们需要设定独立的运行环境,并且建立一个特定的requriement.txt对于这个文件而言。具体步骤如下:

  1. Have a separate virtual environment for each project
  2. Track the installed packages using a requirements.txt file per project
  3. When tracking the packages track them with the exact package versions



pip freeze > requirements.txt

EX1. Variable Naming Convention

上面文章其实是基于这篇文章的补充,于是我们便将这篇文章里面提及的点一并讨论,Best Practices for Writing Industry Standard Python Code 很确定的说,一个好的名字,肯定是很重要的。名字应该是有直接含义的,能让人一看就懂。(注意:尽可能不要取单独的'o'或者'l',因为他们看起来很像01。以下是一个糟糕的例子,根本看不出是什么意思:

x = 'Anmol Tomar'
y, z = x.split()
print(z, y, sep=', ')

#Output: 'Tomar, Anmol'


name = 'Anmol Tomar'
first_name, last_name = name.split()
print(last_name, first_name, sep=', ')

#Output: 'Tomar, Anmol'

EX2. Comments in function

Comments/注释,是非常重要的东西,他对于人们理解一个程序来说有着至关重要的作用。其中注释可以分为两种 Inline和Block注释,分别如下:

a = 10 # Signle inline comment

""" Example of Multi-line comment
    Line 2 of a multiline comment


``` python

def function_name(param1, param2):


def function_name(param1, param2):
    """Example function with PEP 484 annotations.
        param1: The first parameter.
        param2: The second parameter.
        The return value. 
        True for success, False otherwise.

EX3. Indentation

Indentation,这也本来就是python 的特性features之一。合理使用Indentation可以很好的美化代码。以下是一个比较糟糕的例子:

# Arguments in 2nd line are not aligned
# with arguments in the 1st line.
func = function_name(var_one, var_two,
      var_three, var_four)

# Further indentation required as indentation 
# is not distinguishable -Arguments are 
# having same indentation as print function
def function_name(
    var_one, var_two, var_three,

一个好的例子将会很合理的使用各种各样的Indentation,不同level的元素需要被Indentation隔开**(Indentation is set using 4 spaces/tabs per indentation level.)**,以下是一个很好的例子:

# Arguments in 2nd line are aligned with 
# the arguments in the 1st line.
func = function_name(var_one, var_two,
                     var_three, var_four)

# Add 4 spaces(an extra level of indentation)
# to distinguish arguments from the rest.
def function_name(
        var_one, var_two, var_three,

EX 4. Maximum Line Length

对于PEP8(code checker)而言,最大的行数不能超过79个单词,对于超过79个单词的行,我们需要用''隔开。(对于括号而言,不需要用'',他自动视为隔开)


#having length more than 79 characters. 
joined_df = pd.merge(countries_df, countries_lat_lon, on = 'CountryCode', how = 'inner')


# Having length less than 79 characters - within 
# parenthesis line continuation is by default.
joined_df = pd.merge(countries_df, countries_lat_lon,
                     on = 'CountryCode', how = 'inner')

# Using \ for the line continuation
from mypackage import example1, \
                      example2, example3

EX 5. Imports on separate lines


import sys, os, pandas


import os
import sys
import pandas

EX 6. Spacing Recommendations



  1. assignment (=)
  2. augmented assignment (+=, -=, etc.)
  3. comparisons (==, <, >, !=, <>, <=, >=, in, not in, is, is not)
  4. booleans (and, or, not)


submitted +=1
x = x * 2 - 1
hypot2 = x * x + y * y
c = (a + b) * (a - b)


i = i + 1
submitted += 1
x = x*2 - 1
hypot2 = x*x + y*y
c = (a+b) * (a-b)

2. Why Not Use CNN to Extract Features?

How to find unexpected patterns in your data

[未看完] 原文链接:Why Not Use CNN to Extract Features? by
Anthony Cavin

作者介绍了异常检测(anomaly detection),去寻找data里面的不寻常的unusual patterns。此处用了Manifold learning,主要用了Auto-Encoders。


  1. The encoder network: reduces a high dimensional input in a low dimensional space called latent space.
  2. The decoder network: maps the latent space into a representation of the input pictures.


  1. Dimensional reduction
  2. Image compression
  3. Data denoising
  4. Anomaly detection

此处,Auto-Encoders主要作为Anomaly detection的运作方式为:For the latter, classical methods focus on spotting anomalies by looking at the difference between the input and its reconstructed version. The assumption is that the auto-encoder performs well when the input is similar to the training dataset but produces high reconstruction errors around anomalies. To use this method, we train the auto-encoder with anomaly-free data and look at the difference between the input and output of the auto-encoder.

3. Training a Neural Network With a Few, Clean Lines of Code

[已理解] 原文链接:Training a Neural Network With a Few, Clean Lines of Code by
Daniel Etzold


  1. Loading the Data
  2. Specify the Architecture of Our Model
  3. Selecting an Optimizer and Loss Function
  4. Training a Machine Learning Model
  5. Determine the Accuracy


  1. 介绍了多人team协作coding中的注意事项,也可以成为我们平常coding中的习惯,一个好的习惯 = 一个成功的开始
  2. 介绍了利用Auto-Encoder 去做 Anomaly Detection 通过Manifold learning
  3. 介绍了一种写DL/NN,清晰的流程思路



[1] GraphGPS: Navigating Graph Transformers
[2] 8 More Python Best Practices for Writing Industry-Standard Code
[3] Why Not Use CNN to Extract Features?
[4] Predictive Parameters in a Logistic Regression: Making Sense of it All
[5] How to Add an Image to a Matplotlib Plot in Python
[6] Data Wrangling with PySpark, for Beginners
[7] Probability Interview Questions For Data Scientists
[8] What Is Data Leakage, and How Can It Be Avoided in Machine Learning?
[9] Lean Machine Learning: Running your Proof of Concept the Lean Startup Way (part 2)
[10] A gentle introduction to Markov Chains by modelling dice rolls
[11] Neural Networks: Forward pass and Backpropagation
[12] Accelerating and scaling Temporal Graph Networks on the Graphcore IPU
[13] Training a Neural Network With a Few, Clean Lines of Code
[14] Building NLP Powered Applications with Hugging Face Transformers
[15] An End-to-End Guide to Publish Your Python Package
[16] How To Show Data Using Infinite Scroll in React

